VEIL.AI to showcase breakthrough cross-border data collaboration at European OHDSI Symposium

VEIL.AI is an essential partner in the breakthrough cross-border data collaboration project PHEMS, which will benefit children’s hospitals and significantly improve pediatric research capabilities in Europe. 

The PHEMS project will be presented by VEIL.AI at the upcoming Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI) European Symposium in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, June 1st to 3rd, 2024.

Children’s diseases are often scientifically and personally difficult, and could significantly benefit from increased research and innovation. Yet due to the sensitive nature of children’s health data, data collaboration can often be difficult and strict privacy protections are necessary. VEIL.AI is an essential partner in a pioneering European initiative aiming to solve this problem: the PHEMS project. 

The PHEMS project aims to use  novel forms of data anonymization and federated architecture to allow hospitals to share data and participate in research activities without sharing raw, sensitive data. The PHEMS project anticipated the passage of the European Health Data Space legislation, enabling secondary use of health data for improved patient care across Europe. VEIL.AI is an essential partner in this project, creating on-demand next-generation anonymized datasets with beyond state-of-the-art accuracy and validity that eliminate personally identifiable information while retaining the ability to conduct cutting edge research. 

The three clinical use cases in the PHEMS project include testing real-time, real-world interventions in the operations management of pediatric cardiology patients to improve patient outcomes, developing artificial intelligence algorithms to predict sepsis in pediatric intensive care units, and to reduce the risk of long-term disability in children with bleeding disorders by predicting the correct dosage of clotting factor medications with machine-learning algorithms. These clinical needs would not be able to be addressed using data from a single study center or country alone, and joint study of the combined data would be impossible without high-quality synthetic or  anonymized data.

The Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI, pronounced “Odyssey”) program is a collaborative, multi-stakeholder network that aims to promote better health decisions and care by enabling large-scale analytics of health data. The fifth annual OHDSI Europe symposium will take place in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, from June 1st to 3rd, 2024. 

If you’re interested in meeting us in Rotterdam and discussing how VEIL.AI can enable the safe use of your sensitive health data, get in contact with us.

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