VEIL.AI brings advanced anonymization to iCAN Digital Precision Cancer Medicine Initiative

VEIL.AI has joined as a partner of the iCAN Initiative. iCAN is an innovative multidisciplinary initiative of some of the world’s leading actors in cancer genomics, translational and clinical cancer research, digital health, machine learning, and business. iCAN’s goal is to integrate molecular and digital health data in novel and meaningful ways, with the goal of using this digital precision cancer medicine for discovery and improved treatments.

VEIL.AI has joined the Digital Precision Medicine competence cluster as a member to find opportunities in the anonymization of complex cancer patient data, to increase usability and impact of the data with minimal delays in access or privacy risks.

Membership in iCAN means participation in a vibrant research and innovation community at two Finnish national cancer research Centers of Excellence, at the University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital (HUS). iCAN membership brings access to a platform for interacting with and developing ideas of mutual interest with these Centers of Excellence and other iCAN member companies– indeed, several concrete projects utilizing VEIL.AI’s novel anonymization techniques in the secondary use of healthcare data are already in development.

“We are thrilled to join the iCAN community”, says CEO Tuomo Pentikäinen. “The iCAN club offers a great venue to envision new ways to utilize sensitive health data. iCAN also offers us R&D opportunities to develop and showcase the potential of advanced data anonymization technologies.” Pentikäinen also notes that structures and policies on how to balance individual privacy protection and health data utility are being built in Finland. “These two extremely important aims can be combined with new technologies. iCAN offers a cutting-edge environment to explore and evaluate the choices and opportunities we have in Finland”, he says.

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