Year in review: A strong 2023 for VEIL.AI and a bright future for 2024

VEIL.AI’s 2023 was filled with value-added achievements for customers, and we have big plans for 2024

2023 was a big year for VEIL.AI. Throughout the year, we address three big questions related to our Next-Generation Anonymization Engine: 

1. VEIL.AI’s next-generation anonymized data is of excellent quality

In a study completed and published with our partners Bayer and MedEngine, we compared the use of traditional pseudonymized real-world data (RWD) and VEIL.AI’s next-generation anonymized data to build an external control arm for a randomized clinical trial. The results were excellent – as Bayer’s Strategic Project Lead Jussin Leinonen states: 

“This is a significant achievement. In our study, we could draw the same conclusions from anonymized data as from traditional pseudonymized, individual-level research data”

The study was published in the scientific journal BMC Medical Research Methodology, and you can download it here.

2. VEIL.AI’s Next-generation anonymized data has high privacy protection

In 2023, VEIL.AI collaborated with Findata, the Finnish social and health data permit authority, on the burning question of how to better share data with cutting-edge technologies. VEIL.AI assessed how to share anonymized individual-level data outside designated secure computing environments. The protocol we created to verify sufficient anonymity of anonymized data, a detailed re-identification risk assessment, was approved by Findata.

3. VEIL.AI’s solutions can be deployed in customer environments 

Many organizations have reservations about transferring sensitive data between different cloud computing environments, due to strict requirements on where data can reside. VEIL.AI has developed an anonymization pipeline where our technology can be deployed in the customer’s environment that is highly secure. We have developed and validated this system in 2023 and are getting ready to apply it in 2024.

Look out for a big ramp-up in 2024

2024 looks to be a big year for VEIL.AI. We are ready to ramp-up our next-generation anonymization solution for the pharma and hospital sector in 2024. 

The VEIL.AI Anonymization Engine is production ready, and in 2024 we will actively deploy it in even the most demanding environments. In the European-funded PHEMS consortium, VEIL.AI will build next-generation anonymization capability for six leading European children’s hospitals, enabling transborder data collaborations of sensitive health data for research. By enabling the safe sharing of sensitive data, we will enable research use cases that would be extremely difficult or impossible otherwise.

In 2024, we are proactively prominent esteemed partners who are aligned with VEIL.AI’s commitment to utilizing high-quality anonymous data for innovative research and development. Our goal is to provide access to this data swiftly and conveniently, surpassing the capabilities of alternative and competing technologies.

If you are interested in VEIL.AI’s bright plans for 2024, get in contact with us.

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