VEIL.AI selected to develop technological capabilities for EHDS in the Health-X Ecosystem

VEIL.AI was selected as one of the finalists at the Health-X Innovation Forum and will continue developing the VEIL.AI Anonymization Engine as an EHDS-ready solution for Health-X dataLOFT

VEIL.AI participated in the Health-X Innovation Forum on September 10th, and was selected as one of the Phase 2 Fellowship Prize winners to further develop the integration of the VEIL.AI Anonymization Engine into the Health-X data space. VEIL.AI was previously one of four winners in the first phase of the Innovation and Fellowship Competition in May of this year, developing a concrete concept and detailed design for the integration of the Anonymization Engine into Health-X in specific use cases that was presented and awarded at the Innovation Forum.

Health-X dataLOFT is a consortium of 14 research, supply, and industry partners that focuses on sovereignty over personal health data and its secure digitalization. It aims to create a common decentralized data space where citizens can consent to share their health data from the primary and secondary healthcare market with doctors, clinics, and researchers without moving it into one centralized cloud platform. With the upcoming European Health Data Space (EHDS) regulation in the EU, Health-X was created to develop an EHDS-ready technology stack. 

The VEIL.AI Anonymization Engine is poised to become a key part of this data space, using extremely high-quality anonymized data to enable sharing of sensitive health data in a GDPR-compliant manner. 

As we enter phase 2 of the Fellowship Prize, VEIL.AI will focus on evaluating the technological capabilities and needs of Health-X dataLOFT and aim to pilot the anonymization services in a trusted computation environment to enhance privacy protection and data security during processing. This will enable the Health-X data space to meet the needs of EHDS and enable secondary use of health data with extreme privacy protection. 

We look forward to presenting the final results in March next year!

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