VEIL.AI presents GDPR, EHDS, and EU AI Act- compliant data collaboration solutions at BiotechX EU

Privacy legislation such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the upcoming European Health Data Space (EHDS) and the EU AI Act are essential to protecting sensitive health data. However, while these privacy regulations are important safeguards, they can slow down or prevent key collaborations between European countries that have the potential to enhance healthcare and foster healthtech innovation in Europe.  VEIL.AI’s next-generation anonymization technology offers an innovative approach to overcoming these challenges.

VEIl.AI will present our solution at the upcoming BiotechX Europe in Basel, Switzerland on October 9-10th. VEIL.AI’s next-generation anonymization technology goes beyond legacy anonymization methods, producing data with proven privacy and high utility in cases where heavily regulated pseudonymized data might be used. 

A notable example is VEIL.AI’s collaboration with Bayer in the multi-million-euro Future Clinical Trials project, where our customer found that VEIL.AI’s next-generation anonymized data could be used to draw the same conclusions as highly-regulated pseudonymized data while maintaining full GDPR compliance. This high quality and utility data enables multiple use cases, such as efficient clinical trial planning through the sharing and re-use of clinical research data and legacy RCT data. 

Next-generation anonymization can also enable seamless and compliant data exchanges across borders in Europe. This capability has been demonstrated by VEIL.AI’s key role in building the PHEMS transborder data collaboration ecosystem for six European children’s hospitals to study the wellbeing, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of care for pediatric patients. Additionally, oVEIL.AI’s technology can also enable better access to Real World Evidence (RWE) for market access, risk sharing analysis, and health economics and outcome research (HEOR). 

BiotechX Europe is a premier conference for innovators in digital health, AI, and biotechnology. We look forward to discussing how VEIL.AI’s unique solution can help solve data privacy and access challenges. 

During the event, we will present a poster on “Next-generation anonymization: Enabling GDPR, EU AI Act, and EHDS Compliant Data Collaborations,” showcasing a real case of our collaboration with Bayer to enable the creation of a synthetic control arm. In addition, on Wednesday October 9th, our CEO Tuomo Pentikäinen will be a guest speaker on the topic of “Building a Privacy-preserving Synthetic Control Arm and Utilizing Legacy RCT Data.”

Schedule a meeting with the team on the event app, or meet us at booth 928. For more information about VEIL.AI’s attendance or to schedule a meeting with the team, contact [email protected].

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