Unlock the power of data.
Access, combine and share data more securely and with richer quality.
VEIL.AI helps you to utilize sensitive health data for research, innovation and development to support new discoveries, patient treatment and better decision making in healthcare.
Why Choose Us
We are a leading European company specializing in sensitive data anonymization and synthetic health data. We combine deep biomedical data expertise, unique AI-driven technology and privacy.
Unique technology
Our unique technology provides benefits that current state of the art technologies cannot match.
20+ years of expertise
We have 20+ years of expertise on health data & demanding sensitive data projects.
Forerunner in health data anonymization
Strong know-how and the capability to help you to create data strategies related to anonymization and synthetic data.
Trusted partner
We are a trusted partner of top-tier global pharma companies and major university hospitals.
How our solutions can benefit patients, hospitals and pharma companies
Here are some examples of what our unique AI-based solution enables:
Increases access to health data, offering higher data quality and utility while maintaining patient privacy
Provides broader possibilities to create Real World Evidence (e.g. collecting and combining data from many sources / sites / countries)
Meets the requirements for future Evidence Generation (RWE and Predictive Evidence) and increases Evidence Generation Efficiency
Superior collection and anonymization of streaming data (wearables, medical devices, IoT) enables development of new services
Supports Decentralized Clinical Trial set-ups, shortening Clinical Trial lengths and costs
Enables better interoperability to share data for many different purposes (e.g. hospitals)
Enables development of AI algorithms for better treatments and patient care
Enables new possibilities for Health Economics and Value-based Healthcare
Anonymized data is "GDPR free"
One of the big advantages of anonymized data is that according to GDPR (The General Data Protection Regulation), it is not considered as personal data.
It is therefore easier and faster to pool anonymized data from many sources and create larger datasets, which can be utilized in many ways.
"The principles of data protection should apply to any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person.
Personal data which have undergone pseudonymisation, which could be attributed to a natural person by the use of additional information should be considered to be information on an identifiable natural person.
The principles of data protection should therefore not apply to anonymous information, namely information which does not relate to an identified or identifiable natural person or to personal data rendered anonymous in such a manner that the data subject is not or no longer identifiable.
This Regulation does not therefore concern the processing of such anonymous information, including for statistical or research purposes."
The Silo Problem
More information is better, but accessing or combining sensitive data is difficult - personal privacy must be protected. Because of this, data is often stuck in silos.
Sensitive data and pseudonymized data, restricted by GDPR legislation, are often the most difficult to access and least secure. But anonymized data and synthetic data can be shared much more easily.
In all, VEIL.AI can enable multi-party data integration and collaboration without the transfer of sensitive data, allowing data across borders or organizations to be combined, analyzed, and shared safely.
Before: Data in silos
- Not easy to access
- Requires a lot of time to get permits
- Challenging to combine and pool data
- GDPR restrictions apply
Data cannot be used in an optimal way. Data in silos may even prevent research, innovation and development projects from starting
Now: VEIL.AI's unique technology
Anonymization done at each data source, only anonymized data shared. VEIL.AI’s solution enables:
- Easier access to data
- Combining and pooling datasets
- Anonymized (and synthesized) data are “GDPR free” - therefore sharing and transferring of data is easy
- Opens new opportunities to utilize sensitive health data thanks to advanced anonymization / synthetic data
Pseudonymized data vs. Anonymized data
Many healthcare professionals are familiar with pseudonymized data, but do not know the benefits of anonymized data. Advanced anonymized data can provide a solution in many cases where pseudonymized data cannot help.
Pseudonymized data
Anonymized data
VEIL.AI offers solutions for both the pain-free management of pseudonymized data and advanced, high quality anonymization at row level. If you are interested in making your data management life easier and releasing the power of data, we are happy to discuss how we can help.
Why do our customers and partners want to collaborate with us?
Solutions for Pharma companies, Hospitals, Biobanks and all organizations handling sensitive data.
"We want to get better access to health data"
VEIL.AI’s advanced anonymization enables access to sensitive data. You can utilize data faster, more easily and more securely.
“We want to produce more Real World Evidence”
The importance of Real World Evidence is increasing. We can help you to, for example, improve your capability to create and utilize RWE.
“We want to utilize health data for secondary uses”
Anonymized datasets are not restricted by GDPR / HIPAA and can be utilized for research, development and innovation.
“We want to combine health data from different countries and sites”
Anonymized data allows for easier transfer and larger data set generation. Utilize pooled data for the study of rare diseases, rare endpoints and events.
“We want to reduce the costs of clinical trials”
Advanced anonymized data is required if you are planning to reduce the cost and increase the speed of clinical trials. Your RCT data can be re-used and your data becomes more valuable.
“We want to increase evidence generation efficiency”
Good quality data is essential also in decentralized clinical trials. Let us help you increase your evidence generation process with better data for RWE and Predictive Evidence.
“We want to improve our data science capabilities”
Advanced anonymization can give more and better data, allowing your data scientists to increase the scope of their work and enabling new possibilities.
“We want to strengthen our data strategy”
Need a sparring partner or consultant to develop your organization’s processes and strategy concerning data anonymization?
“We want to collect data from wearables and IoT devices”
The VEIL.AI Anonymization Engine is the most effective solution to anonymize streamed accumulating data from wearables, Medical devices and IoT devices.
“We want to develop AI algorithms for better treatments”
In order to develop better treatments for patients, AI algorithms may be utilized. We specialize in creating synthetic data from health data.
“We want to enable better interoperability”
Value-based care requires sharing of data, for instance by interoperability. Advance anonymization can be a key tool in the data sharing needed for value-based care, and an alternative to federated architecture.
“We want a reliable pseudonymization and consent management solution”
We provide both ready-made and custom user solutions for biobanks and hospitals. In addition, flexible technical service is available.